Project Portal property codes

The following table describes the property codes that are supported for property transfer to Office files.

Project Portal property codes
Property Code Description

KRONO_name, KRONO_dociid

Document name and ID.


Document description.

KRONO_doctype, KRONO_relevance, KRONO_status

Document type, relevance, and status value.

KRONO_accessprofile, KRONO_trueaccessprofile

Access profile that is assigned to the document and the one that is forced (if they are different).


Document version, including major and minor version numbers.


Document number or code.


Short URL to the document.

KRONO_author, KRONO_authoremail

Author name and author email fields.

KRONO_creator, KRONO_owner, KRONO_modifier

Document creator, owner, and modifier full names.

KRONO_project, KRONO_projectname, KRONO_project_iid

Workspace code, name, and identifier.


Folders where the document is located.

KRONO_creationdate, KRONO_modificationdate, KRONO_creationtime, KRONO_modificationtime

The creation and modification times in long and short date formats, as specified in the user interface settings.

KRONO_fullpathname, KRONO_file name

File name.


Extended custom property field with code <FieldCode>.